Debt Repayment Order
A sustainable insolvency option for bankrupts with a small amount of debt to repay
Let Adept Financial Supervision simplify the process
Need help managing the terms of your Debt Repayment Order?
A Debt Repayment Order is a plan for debt reduction. Previously known as a Summary Instalment Order (SIO), this plan is the most common insolvency option if you owe less than $50,000 in unsecured debt and are able to make some repayments on your debts. It affords you time – up to three years in most circumstances. It also ensures that the people or organisations you owe money to are repaid, and enables you to continue in business.
What are the different levels of bankruptcy and how do they relate to financial supervision?
Debt Repayment Order
What are your responsibilities?
You must not take on any new debt over $1,000 without making the new creditor aware that you are currently in a Debt Repayment Order. You should let them know in writing to avoid any misunderstandings.
What happens to your assets?
Does a Debt Repayment Order sound right for you? If so, here's what will happen
- You will wait to hear of the outcome from the Official Assignee
- There is a standard creditor objection period of 10 days before a decision can be reached
- Your case will be listed on the public register of the NZ Insolvency and Trustee Service
- You may have to provide more information to the Official Assignee
- During the Debt Repayment Order your access to credit will be restricted
- You will make scheduled payments to creditors
- Once the terms of your Debt Repayment Order are completed you will be discharged
Once you have entered into a Debt Repayment Order, creditors cannot continue to chase you for payment of any unsecured debts included in the order or add any further penalties or interest to that debt.
Visit the New Zealand Insolvency and Trustee Service for more information.
Contact Bev
To discuss preventative financial supervision or receive bankruptcy advice. Our services can be accessed in person, online or over the phone making it easy for bankrupts throughout New Zealand to receive help when it’s needed most. If you live in Christchurch, Auckland or anywhere in between contact Bev today.